Tuesday, September 02, 2008

3:30am, Are you SERIOUS?

I got a call this morning from a very nice gentleman who apologized profusely for calling the wrong number. Not a big deal. Until I couldn't go back to sleep.

The call startled me and I became AWAKE.

My brain started writing and it would not shut up so reluctantly I crawled out of bed. For some reason my brain likes to compose my thoughts into possible writing ideas when I am in bed. This happens before I sleep and is very annoying but helpful when I write my blogs later since the rough draft is already in my brain.

Let's turn this thunderstorm of a morning into a silver lining:

I woke up early against my will but now I have a terrific idea for the next issue of the school newspaper.

Score! Now only if I could go back to bed. Looks like today will be a coffee day.

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